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Titus Coan Memorial Library
Early Missionaries To Hawaii

This library is dedicated to gathering storing and making available online information and resources that tell the story of the Early Christian Missionaries who came and labored among the native and later foreign populations of the Kingdom of Hawaii. It will also be a source of Christian insight into the history of that nation.

It is our hope as an educational project that this library archive will benefit not only the current population of Hawaii but others around the world and leave an legacy of these things for generations to come. May it be as a gift to the churches and people of Hawaii and beyond and revive the Missionary Zeal that was once given to all...

This is currently an ongoing long term project. There are currently over 90 Missionary profile pages that have been built (most about missionaries and their wives) with a record of their missionary service in Hawaii. As much as possible a longer biographical page and other information (writings, letters, books) will be added to each record page (and in some cases multiple pages per missionary).

There are presently 4 online books entered into the library of well over 20+ books planned so far as resources. All of them an incredible record of "the Great Awakening" and transformation of the native Hawaiian population during the 1800's.

It is our hope that this library project will be archived and become a well used educational resource on the subject to many.

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